The Project

Hello! Welcome to CALLing on Ethiopia, a blog set up to in preparation for a CALL workshop we are going to hold for  language teachers and staff at the School of Humanities and Law at Adama University of Science and Technology, Ethiopia. We are Francesca Helm and Sarah Guth, English language teachers and researchers at the University of Padova, Italy and we are very excited about coming to Ethiopia!

This project started when Graham Davies, founder of ICT4LT sent a mail to members of EUROCALL asking if anyone was interested in taking up a request he had received from Akeya Zeleke to go to Adama to hold a workshop or even a course on CALL. Graham wasn’t able to go because his health was fading and sadly he passed away in June. He is greatly missed because he was, until the end, a great pioneer of CALL and a mentor for so many of us. His legacy continues through the many initiatives he started such as ICT4LT and EUROCALL, of which he was a founding member. 

Always up for an adventure, we followed up Graham’s mail and managed to obtain funding from the University of Padova for International Cooperation Projects. We leave Padova on the 26th of October for Addis Ababa and will start our workshops on October 30th. More about our plans soon.

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